VOLUME VI (2018)
Issue 1-4
Volume V Issue 1 (January 2018)
1. A Clash of Civilizations: An Overview on Child Brides and How the Syrian Refugee Crisis is Forcing Europe
to Follow its Laws or Follow Another’s by Jessica Smith, at 3–39;
2. Criminal Responsibility in Brazilian Transitional Justice: A Constitutional Interpretative Process under
the Paradigm of International Human Rights Law by Emilio Peluso Neder Meyer, at 41–71;
3. Legal Analogy as an Alternative to the Deductive Mode of Legal Reasoning, by Maciej Koszowski at 73-87;
4. Towards a Universal Construction of Transgender Rights: Harmonizing Doctrinal and Dialogic Strategies
in Indian Jurisprudence by Spence Jones, at 91-121;
Volume V Issue 2 (April 2018)
1. Modernizing Colombian Corporate Law: The Judicial Transpalant of the Business Judgment Rule by Sebastián Boada Morales, at 147–96;
2. The Need for a Mandatory Comparative Proportionality Review for Death Sentences in the Face of Shifting International Norms, by J. Brent Marshall, at 197–234;
3. New King, New Character: Duterte’s China Strategy and its Impact on Philippine Interests in the South
China Sea by Justin Shields, at 235-65;
Recent Development
4. Jordanian Constitutional Court: Toward A Democratic, Effective and Accessible by Shams Al Din Al Hajjaji, at 269-77;
Volume V Issue 3 (July 2018)
1. Your “Liberation,” My Oppression: European Violation of Muslim Women’s Human Rights by Afnan Akram, at 427–72;
2. Eliminating the Power of the No-Confidence Vote from Wolesi Jirga (the House of People): How Comparison of Approaches in South Africa and the United States could Inform Changes to Afghanistan’s Law on Removal of Government Officers by Fazal K. Lalamwal, at 473–509;
3. A New Extraordinary Circumstances” Standard for Suspension Clause As-Applied Challenges to the REAL-ID ACT? by Andrew Bhaltazor, at 511-28;
Review Article
4. Rethinking the Territorial Scope of the United States’s Access to Data Stored by a Third Party by Sabrina Morris, at 531-67;
Volume V Issue 4 (October 2018)
1. Islamic Law and the Right to Armed Jihad, by Fatemah Albader, at 571–606;
2. U.S. Policy on Human Trafficking: A Partial Solution for a Perplexing Global Human Rights Problem, by Madeleine Bailey, at 607-43;
3. State and Religion Continuum in Indonesia: The Trajectory of Religious Establishment and Religious Freedom in the Constitution, by Ratno Lukito, at 645-81;
4. Uncooperative Cooperative Federalism: What U.S. State Sovereignty Hawks Can Learn from E.U. Immigration
Enforcement, by Nathan H. Golden, at 683- 708.

VOLUME V (2018)
Issue 1-4
Volume V Issue 1 (January 2018)
Foreword by Pranoto Iskandar
1. Indigenizing Constitutionalism: A Critical Reading of “Asian Constitutionalism” by Pranoto Iskandar of the Institute for Migrant Rights, at 3–42;
2. Updating the Law of Trade Secrets in Saudi Arabia, Wahj Wazzan, Attorney at Law at Reda J. Abdulrazak Law Firm, 43-73;
3. Star Chamber in Context by Akhil Sud of Yale Law School, at 75-98;
Recent Development:
4. Reform of Judicial Independence Rules in Egypt, Sham Al Din Al Hajjaji, Independent Scholar, Egypt.
5. More Reason for Opening Up Higher Education by Nandang Sutrisno of Universitas Islam Indonesia, at 137-44;
Volume V Issue 2 (April 2018)
1. Modernizing Colombian Corporate Law: The Judicial Transplant of the Business Judgment Rule by Sebastián Boada Morales of Superintendence of Companies, at 147-96;
2. The Need for a Mandatory Comparative Proportionality Review for Death Sentences in the Face of Shifting International Norms by J. Brent Marshall of Florida State University College of Law, at 197-234;
3. New King, New Character: Duterte’s China Strategy and its Impact on Philippine Interests in the South China Sea by Justin Shields of the University of San Diego School of Law, at 235-65;
4. Jordanian Constitutional Court: Toward a Democratic, Effective and Accessible by Shams Al Din Al-Hajjaji of Egyptian Judiciary, at 269-77;
5. The Rebellious Scholar: In Honour of Professor Mahmoud Cherif Bassiouni by
Shadi A. Alshdaifat of College of Law, University of Sharjah;
Volume V Issue 3 (July 2018)
1. Your "Liberation," My Oppression: European Violation of Muslim Women's Human Rights by Afnan Akram, at 427-72;
2. Eliminating the Power of the No-Confidence Vote from the Wolesi Jirga (the House of People): How Comparison of Approaches in South Africa and the U.S. could Inform Changes to Afghanistan's Law on Removal of Government Officers by Fazal Khaliq Lalamwal of Kandahar University, Afghanistan, at 473-509;
3. A New "Extraordinary Circumstances" Standard for Suspension Clause As-Applied Challenges to the REAL ID ACT? by Andrew Balthazor, at 511-28;
4. Development in Law and Practice Two Autonomous Domains? by Irene I. Hadiprayitno of Leiden University, at 561-93;
Volume V Issue 4 (October 2018)
1. Islamic Law and the Right to Armed Jihad, by Fatemah Albader of Kuwait International Law School, at 569-605;
2. U.S. Policy on Human Trafficking: A Partial Solution for a Perplexing Global Human Rights Problem, by Madeleine Bailey of SMU Dedman School of Law, at 607-42;
3. State and Religion Continuum in Indonesia: The Trajectory of Religious Establishment and Religious Freedom in the Constitution, by Ratno Lukito of The Faculty of Shariah and Law, State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, at 643-79;
4. Uncooperative Cooperative Federalism: What U.S. State Sovereignty Hawks Can Learn from E.U. Immigration Enforcement, by Nathan H. Golden of the University of Iowa College of Law, at 681-706.